Cheap, Discounted Kitchen Backsplash Hammered Wallcovering - Wc 40 Faux Antique Silver - 25 Ft.roll x2ft. PVC Hammered Design. Ul Rated!nail On,tape On,glue On,staple On! Product Description:
- Decorative Backsplash hammered Easy to install, Affordable,Put in frame as a picture! Wall covering,Bar Top Counter covering, Cathedral Ceilings,waterproof backsplash tiles,cheap suspended ceiling tiles,discount ceiling tiles,wall decor. ext...
- Faux Tin Hammered design backsplashe for sink,can be glue to stone,glass,sheet rock,glue on,staple on,nail on,plaster,stucco,gypsum, ext..
- Backsplash Transform your kitchen instantly, could be use as a wall paper.Skin cover,Door cover,Furniture cover.Column cover ideas!Photography backdrop ideas!
- Backsplash Fire Rated, barhroom renovation toilet area,Aroun Door,PATIO ROOF CANOPY,bathroom remodels,kitchen and cabinets,granite, ext...
- Variety of colors backsplashes & finishes, Remodeling, Kitchens, Kitchen design,Remodel, Bath room design, kitchen remodels,plastik,Offices ideas, Nigth Club Ideas, RESTAURANT Hallway Ideas,Toilet Area IDEAS,CEILING PANEL, ext..
Product Description
Faux tin Decorative hammered antique silver PVC, quality kitchen back splash Plastic wall coverings are an easy and affordable way to transform the look of your kitchen or room. The rolls are 2 feet wide. One small roll will cover approximately 52 square feet. There will be a flat rate shipping charge of $19.00 for the 26 ft. roll. Back splash wall coverings are also available by the square foot for a price of $2.46 per square foot. Can be glued on any clean flat surface, wainscoat, sheet rock. Apply any good quality Contact Cement, or glue with LOCTITE "power grab,rubber or urethane base adhesive only on the edges and raised crossed section of the sheet, and let it be dry till the solvent of adhesive evaporates.Fast-drying formula dries in 15-20 minutes. Offers high heat and water resistance when dry. We suggest Well wood by Dap, Inc., and suggest the below direct link to their product and help to locate a dealer near you. We also suggest Liquid Nail Contact Cement. Please go to your local hardware store. Thickness 0.011".
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
7 of 8 people found the following review helpful.Good and easy to work with, useful for unusual purposes
By Cat Lover
We had to build our own bed platform. The commercial bed platforms with storage offered for sale weren't right for our bedroom. We hung John Louis Home closet organizer towers on our bedroom walls to serve as dressers (all hanging clothing is kept in our only closet; thankfully, it's a walk-in). But given that we live in a one bedroom condo, we still needed more storage, for things like seasonal clothes, etc. The commercial bed platforms had the drawers positioned too close at the head of the bed end - the drawers would have run into the JLH towers (at the bottom) and been prevented from opening all the way. Not very useful to have drawers that don't open all the way, now is it? So we decided to build our own bed platform from scratch. We scored some "stand alone" drawers from West Elm on close out. My husband designed a bed platform that could be assembled in parts, thus making getting the pieces into our condo very easy (compared to moving entire long frames for drawers in). He also figured out a way to incorporate a sort of hollow plinth at the very bottom, with "pop off" fronts (the fronts are held to the platform frame with velcro - just grab the knob and pull to get it off, then press hard to put it back on). Best of all, he also figured out a way to make a huge storage area right up the middle of the platform (beneath the flat topper that the mattress sits on). Five drawers: two on each side, one at the foot. Storage on each side in the bottom-most plinth. And HUGE storage right in the middle...we do have to remove the drawer at the foot of the bed to access that area, but it's for long-term storage, so it works out well.So great...we have this massive amount of desperately needed storage in a bed platform. Dear Hubby has done a magnificent job of building it from scratch (literally: wood and plywood that he cut to length every step of the way). The only remaining problem: it's RAW WOOD. Not exactly the look we wanted. So we began debating the options: name it.Other problem: we have cats. Most use the scratching posts, but we have a few hard-core holdouts who delight in using things they're not supposed to. And of course, they glommed onto the fact that this is all pure wood in about three seconds flat. Scratched-to-pieces raw wood - again, not exactly the look we wanted. We considered buying sheet metal from Home Depot, cutting it all to size, and screwing it on piece by piece. But after pricing it out, we decided that we weren't quite ready to go that route. (Also, cutting sheet metal would have involved a bigger effort than we were willing to make at that time.) The answer, weirdly, turned out to be this stuff.I know, I know: NOT intuitive at ALL as something to cover a piece of furniture with. But we also liked the cool look of this stuff...we figured it would make the platform have a sort of "metal melted and then froze in this formation" look. So we took the plunge and ordered a roll (Dear Hubby did the calculations to confirm that one roll would be sufficient to cover the raw wood parts of the platform).Well, it took us a while to get around to it (we ordered this stuff in January) but we're working on it now, and have one entire side and half of the foot end covered. And it looks GREAT (at least, we think so). We tried using glue, but the glue just didn't hold to the wood very well. So we switched to thumb tacks (seriously). The kind with the round, sort of "domed" heads. We figured we'd wind up, at worst, with a studded look, which would work well for our decorating style (leaning towards the "darker" side of modern).It turns out, the tacks practically disappear due to them being silver, and this plastic material being silver. I was actually a little disappointed when I saw that: a more obvious studded look would have been pretty cool.But - this stuff is cool enough on it's own! It really does make a statement, and with the dark brown drawers between this stuff above, and then below, covering the "pop off" fronts of the's just a really cool look. My husband had his doubts, but I was pretty sure it would work (and if not, no big loss, given the price), but even he is in love with the look now that we've gotten a full side done.It's also very easy to work with and to cut to any size or shape. And it's already baffled one of our hard-core "misbehavers", who wandered in shortly after we got the side and one corner done (her favorite corner to shred)...she did a "huh?" look, tried to scratch on it, but quickly stopped and walked away. Guess she doesn't like the feel of this on her claws and pads!So if you've got a new piece of furniture that you'd like to change the look of...or maybe a Craig's List find that you don't feel up to sanding and painting and sanding again, over and over...or maybe you want to do that eventually, but RIGHT NOW you just need something as a quick and easy fix to hide imperfections or something....or want to personalize an Ikea whatever...this is a good option. Easy to work with, inexpensive, and durable (it's also waterproof - it is marketed for backsplashes, after all - but we doubt we'll need THAT aspect in OUR use...bedrooms don't have much water in them, or if they do, there's a bigger problem than decorating that needs to be addressed, lol).The point of all of this is, just because it's marketed as a backsplash material, it's also very handy for other uses, even some odd ones that wouldn't occur in most aspects of life. If you're looking for something like this, give it a try. At most you'll be out a $100, a cheap enough loss if things don't work out. Dressers, chairs, tables....the things that you could try using this on are endless.The shipping was right within the time frame given when I ordered. I was informed that it would take about three weeks for delivery, and we did indeed get it within three weeks. So no complaints there. And the seller did a good job packaging, so it arrived well wrapped and without any damage.Five stars all around.
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