Zerostart 260-0900 Little Buddy Interior Warmer Product Description:
- Zerostart 260-0900 Little Buddy Interior Warmer [Automotive]
Product Description
Phillips Zerostart Heaters 2600900 Interior Warmer
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
12 of 12 people found the following review helpful.GREAT Investment
By Steven S. Palmer
My Corvette and my GoldWing Motorcycle have to stay in our garage. That means my daily drive truck and my wife's SUV have to stay outside here in Oklahoma. Although we don't get a lot of snow, frost and ice are common. We have a Little Buddy in each car and they are plugged into an extension cord each nite when we park in the driveway for the night. When we prepare to go to work, we simply unplug the Little Buddy's and drive away. The windows are clear and completely free of snow, frost, or ice. The heat is only moderate so during a 20 degree night, I imagine the inside of the car probably stays around 50 degrees...plenty warm to keep the windows clear. The brief moment it takes to plug or unplug the Little Buddy is NOTHING compared to clearing the solid water off the windows. I'll never be without one as long as I can find 'em...if these two eventually quit.UPDATE: After a lengthy search internet wide, I FINALLY found two more on Amazon Prime. I ordered both so I'll have spares in the event either of the ones in service decide to fail. Let the frost and ice come!
6 of 6 people found the following review helpful.These things are great!
By KC10Chief
I have two of these. One in my S-10 pickup and one in my GMC Safari van. I live in Alaska. We have three vehicles and a one car garage. My wife keeps her car in there and I get to park my vehicles outside. The heaters are great, especially when it's frosty out. They each use about 900 watts if I remember right. Installation is pretty easy and I highly recommend drilling through your firewall with a 1/2" drill bit and using the included rubber grommet to run your power wire through. On my van, I didn't have a good area to mount it up front so, I mounted it all the way in the back. I had to buy some extra power wire at Lowe's. Cost me about $5 or so. My S-10 is a regular cab. The heater keeps it about 80 degrees on the inside, even when it's about 10 degrees outside! My van has a lot more interior space. Still, it's about 55 or 60 degrees in there when I get in. The best thing is, is that I don't have to scrape ice and frost off of my windows in the mornings! The only problem I've had is with my S-10. It keeps it so warm, that it will melt the heaviest of snowfalls right off the windows. The water gets down into my door jambs and re-freezes. So, if we are getting a lot of snow, I unplug it to keep the ice under control. Other than that, these things are awesome. If you live where it's cold and frosty and have to park outside, get one of these.
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.Excellent
By CubDriver
I have used these heaters for years to preheat airplane engines. At 900W, they can easily be powered by a small generator for off-grid use. With a good cowl cover (old sleeping bag?) on the plane, the Little Buddy heater can be placed inside the cowl and will heat the entire engine up in a couple of hours. Much safer than a lot of other preheat options since there is no open flame and the heating element is shielded by the metal housing. For in-hangar use, I turn my Little Buddy heater on remotely with my smartphone using a Belkin WeMo switch. Even when hot pad engine pre-heaters are used, airplane engine cylinders may not be adequately preheated which is why I often use both together.In 15+ years of using these heaters (at least four different Little Buddy heaters), I have only had one heater fail.I highly recommend this heater.
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