- Chime alert perfect for garage doors, store fronts, offices, driveway, etc
- Range: Up to 22 feet (7m)
- Will make "ding-dong" sound or siren sound
- No hard wiring required
- Optional counter available (E-931ACC-C)
Product Description
The Seco-Larm Door Entry Chime is perfect for garage doors, overhead doors, or entry detection for store fronts. Other applications: offices, schools, warehouse, vehicle detection (driveway alert), etc.
Optional second speaker available (E-931ACC-S).
Customer Reviews
Most helpful customer reviews
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful.Works great-entry alert OR Dementia/Alzheimers bed alarm
By general user
Thank God for this product. Used as bedside alarm for advanced alzheimers patient. Warns me/wakes me up as soon as patients foot goes over side of bed. Now I can finally get some sleep. Reliable, simple to hook up/use. Bought extra speaker for other end of house too. Just plug speaker into wall, plug light sensor into speaker with long thin cord included. If you buy an extra speaker just plug it into the first speaker with xtra cord you can buy cheaper here than at radio shack. Just 1/8" speaker cord. Cheap. Also bought a simple on/off button remote control for lamps or whatever so I can turn it off when not in use ("ACE LAMSON RC7000D INDOOR REMOTE CONTROL" also on Would recommend every dementia/alzheimers bed to have 1 of these running next to it or elsewhere in the home where needed. Also if you dont want to use the included mounting bracket for the reflector you can just scotch tape it up securely like I did months ago. Works great. But you MUST use the mounting bracket for the light sensor to hold it steady. Took a little time to align sensor and reflector but no big deal.
4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.Perfect doorbell chime for large store entryway
By Momma_Pegs
We purchased this doorway alert for a wide (>10 ft.) store entryway. After some fiddling with the correct angle to reflect the beam, we have had no problems at all. The doorbell chime is clear and pleasant. It is the typical "ding-dong" sound that you often hear for door alerts. The volume is adjustable. We use it at 3/4 volume and it is more than adequate for our 2000+ sq. ft. space.We chose this item because it included both the chiming / alarm device and the beam. And it is also quite affordable for all you get. We did not like the hit-or-miss nature of motion detector chimes. Every single person going in and out of the store is registered with a chime. We placed the chime at about knee height so as to catch everyone (minus crawlers I suppose). VERY HAPPY WITH OUR PURCHASE! The seller sent everything in a timely manner as well.
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.Works great!
By Home Handyman
I'm very pleased with this product. It was easy to set up and works as expected. It's a little tricky to get the reflector to line up exactly and the instructions are a little vague, but once it's set up it works great. Note: You will not see a red indicator light unless the reflector is lined up correctly.
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